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Unfortunately, the DR1-X repeater does not offer a LAN interface to be able to be connected directly to a network. Furthermore, its internal repeater control does not support DG-ID (System Fusion II).

However, the DR1-X with its [Control I/O] connector offers the option of using an external repeater control, for example an MMDVM modem.
This expansion can be carried out without interfering with the repeater hardware and turns the dr1-x into a full-fledged mmdvm repeater, which now also supports DG-ID (System Fusion II) and can be connected directly to a YCS server.

Required components

very good experiences have been made with the following hardware:

ycsserver/dr1x/dr1x_configuration.1633424065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/05 08:54 by dg9ffm