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This page shows the active interlinks of the YCS server.

The table columns contain the following content:

Column Description Notice
Nr. Table row number
Linktype Type of Interlink DVMatrix ⇒ world-wide DVMatrix-Routing
FCSXXXxx-number ⇒ IPSCLink (xx = DG-ID; number = IPSC-Identifier)
LYSF-XXXXX ⇒ YSFLink (XXXXX = YSF Identifier)
Linkto Interlink-Destination YSF-Name
IPSC2-Name (x/XX) ⇒ x = Timeslot / XX = Talkgroup
ID Interlink-ID assigned by server
DG-ID DG-ID's linked
NAME assigned name of active DG-ID
RX/TX currently active DG-ID highlighted in green ⇒ source
highlighted in orange ⇒ destination
highlighted in blue ⇒ DG-ID Hangtimer
TYPE Interlink Protocol Type DV-MTX ⇒ DVMatrix
YSF-Link ⇒ YSF-Interlink
IPSC2-Link ⇒ IPSC2-Interlink
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ycsserver/dashboard/dashboard_description/interlink.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/22 13:59 by dg9ffm